social media for social good


social media for social good 〰️

As our clients know, Evergreen Social is based in East Tennessee, a gorgeous place to live and work — and a place we’re passionate about supporting.

At Evergreen, we believe in doing the best we can with what we have, in extending a hand, and that rising water raises all ships. As of 2024, working with Evergreen means that you’re also directly supporting handful of selected organizations either through direct financial support or time spent with our sleeves rolled up — some local, and some global.

We are so grateful for your continued support and partnership, and for the opportunity to pass on that support as we grow.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a nonprofit organization that facilitates 1:1 mentoring relationships between adult volunteers and children / teens to provide positive role models and support for personal growth. We support BBBS Chattanooga via both quarterly donations + volunteering as mentors.

Crabtree Farms is a 22-acre urban farm committed to sustainable agriculture, local food, and community development, offering educational programs and environmental stewardship. We support them through regularly volunteering

Supported Causes + Organizations

CGLA empowers girls grades 6-12 to achieve their full potential through a STEAM curriculum, social supports, and a commitment to cultivating leaders prepared for college and successful careers. We support CGLA through weekly yoga classes focused on cultivating intuitive movement, body awareness, and mindfulness.

Southeastern Nature School offers middle school students a nature-centric education aligned with nature's rhythms, fostering positive emotional, social health, and a deep connection with self, classmates, and the natural world. We support them through monthly school supplies donations via their wishlist.

World Vision is a nonprofit organization that provides sponsored children with education, healthcare, clean water, and community support to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future. We support World Vision by sponsoring several children yearly.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital conducts research and provides free treatment for pediatric diseases, primarily focusing on childhood cancers. We support St. Jude’s through social media support of their Chattanooga Dream Home fundraiser, and quarterly donations.

“Helping out is not some special skill. It is not the domain of rare individuals. It is not confined to a single part of our lives. We simply heed the call of that natural impulse within and follow it where it leads us."

— Ram Dass